Weddingbells: Alternative ceremony ideas sure to inspire any bride

Are you looking for ways to make your ceremony stand out? Searching for a fun new tradition to work into your “I dos” to make them extra unique?

Whether you’re planning a mostly traditional celebration or a totally alternative wedding, there are lots of little details you can include in your ceremony to make it unique. Think about props and creative ways to include your guests as more than just spectators.

From alternative seating arrangements to ring warming ceremonies and unexpected wedding attendants, these ideas should definitely get your creative juices flowing.

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Weddingbells is the modern, savvy, style-conscious bride-to-be’s authority on all aspects of wedding planning. With inspiring ceremony and decor ideas, info on the latest bridal style trends and guides to the world’s top honeymoon destinations, Weddingbells is where unforgettable weddings begin. The Ottawa Wedding show is a distribution partner for Weddingbells Magazine.

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