Hashtags for Weddings

We are living in a new digital age! Everything from the way we talk to the way we shop is changing, and
weddings are no exception. There are all kinds of fun, creative ways to modernize your big day and
make use of the incredible tools at our disposal. One of these tools is Hashtags!

Everyone wants to capture moments from their wedding, but sometimes a photographer can only do so
much. Weddings are large events with potentially lots of people and, no matter how good they are, a
photographer is only one person. It can be tricky to get photos of everything that you want in such a
short time. With Hashtags every guest can become another photographer!

With just a few small steps you’ll be ready to go:
1) Download the Instagram App to your phone (…if you haven’t already) and encourage your
guests to do the same.
2) Now for the fun part – time to come up with your wedding Hashtag! It can be anything you
want, but it’s a good idea to include you and your fiancés name. For example, #JohnandJill2018,
#Jack&Jo4Ever, #JillLovesJane, #SmithHillWedding. Or get silly with it and play around with puns
or alliterations.
3) Make a sign to post at the wedding letting every guest know what the Hashtag is.
Now whenever a guest snaps a picture on their phone they can post it to social media with your
Hashtag. After the wedding you can search your Hashtag and find all the pictures posted by your friends
and family. You’ve doubled the number of wedding photos for free! Plus, you’re guaranteed to get more
of the fun, candid shots from dinner or the dance floor that your photographer may not have been
around for.

Have fun and enjoy the big day! #BringYourWeddingIntoTheFuture!